
Office: +86-755-83030792

What we're doing

We believe what happens tomorrow is determined by what we do today.

Looking forward to education

Looking to rebuild from the war

Join Us in Making a Difference

Support UNICEF's Save the Children Program

Since our company’s inception, we have proudly committed to making monthly donations to UNICEF’s Save the Children program. This initiative holds a special place in our hearts, reflecting our dedication to helping children in need around the world. While we are aware that our contributions are just a drop in the ocean, we believe that every drop counts. Today, we are reaching out to you, our valued customers, to join us in this mission to make the world a better place for the next generation.

Why UNICEF’s Save the Children Program?

UNICEF’s Save the Children program is a beacon of hope for millions of children globally. This program focuses on ensuring every child has access to essentials like education, healthcare, nutrition, and protection from harm. Here are a few reasons why we chose to support this program:

Education for All: Every child deserves a chance to learn. UNICEF works tirelessly to provide educational opportunities in some of the most challenging environments, ensuring that children can break the cycle of poverty and build a better future.

Healthcare Access: Millions of children suffer from preventable diseases. UNICEF provides lifesaving vaccines, medical care, and essential health services to ensure that every child has the chance to grow up healthy and strong.

Nutrition: Proper nutrition is the foundation of a healthy life. UNICEF’s nutrition programs help combat malnutrition and hunger, providing children with the nourishment they need to thrive.

Protection and Safety: Children in conflict zones and disaster-stricken areas face immense dangers. UNICEF works to protect these vulnerable children, offering them safety, support, and hope.

How You Can Help

We believe in the power of community and collective effort. By joining us in supporting UNICEF’s Save the Children program, you can help amplify our impact. Here are a few ways you can get involved:

Direct Donations: Consider making a one-time or recurring donation to UNICEF. Every dollar counts and goes a long way in making a significant difference in the lives of children.

Spread the Word: Use your voice to raise awareness about the importance of supporting children in need. Share information about UNICEF’s programs on your social media, talk to your friends and family, and encourage them to join the cause.

Support Our Initiatives: Participate in our fundraising events and campaigns. Every purchase you make from our company contributes to our monthly donations, so you can feel good knowing that your support is making an impact.

Volunteer: If possible, consider volunteering your time to support local or international efforts aimed at helping children. Your hands-on involvement can make a tangible difference.

Together, We Can Create a Brighter Future

At Shenzhen Chaoyi Technology Ltd., we are deeply committed to making the world a better place, one child at a time. But we can’t do it alone. With your support, we can extend our reach and deepen our impact. Together, we can ensure that every child, no matter where they are born, has the opportunity to grow, learn, and thrive.

Join us in this noble cause. Together, we can transform lives and build a brighter future for children around the world. Visit our website to learn more about our efforts and how you can get involved. Let’s make a difference, one child at a time.

Thank you for your continued support and generosity.

Warm regards.

CEO: Lucas Bei